Thursday, December 31, 2009

Are you remembering 2009 or looking forward to 2010?

I find December 31 the most confusing day of the you reminisce on the previous year or do you look forward to the up coming?

When I look back every year, I tend to only see and remember the flaws or things I didn't accomplish - didn't pay off as much debt as I wanted, still haven't lost my last 10 pounds..., but there were so many things I did do - I payed off $5,000 of debt, lost 19 pounds, sold my house and bought a new one, loved more, made memories, went on a trip, and most importantly - God was as faithful and His grace was as abundant in 2009 as 2008 as 2007 etc...I had a GREAT year, but they're not the first things that come to mind.

I always struggle with making 'New Year Resolutions'. Generally I view September as more of a 'new start' than January and maybe that's because for most of my life I've been in school. I want to live my life for God, with purpose and plan to do something to make my life more pleasing to Him. As I was thinking about this last night, I thought of a goal for this year. Have you ever prayed and prayed and prayed for things and then can never remember what prayers God has answered (the way you wanted or not wanted) or what God has done in your prayer life??? This year I am going to change that!!! This year I am going to make a 'Casting Box'. This is something I learned from an amazing speaker, Kathy Butryn.
  1. Take a recipie box and make dividers/sections (Family, Friends, Work, most importantly ANSWERED)
  2. Every section is going to have cue cards (3 x 5) with the coresponding title on the top and a VERY SPECIFIC prayer request on each one. For example on ONE card under FAMILY I wrote - For my brother and his girlfriend - guidance in their relationship. On another card under FAMILY I wrote - For my brother - God's will to be revealed to him about his future career. I feel as though this is going to MAKE me pray for things that I might not normally.
  3. Once they are answered (again the way I wanted or not), they will be moved to the ANSWERED section.
  4. Every day sit down, take out as many cards as I have time for (maybe just a section, maybe sift through, maybe the whole box if I have time - I'm also going into it knowing that some days I might just hold the box and say, 'God, you know what is in my casting box and I give it all to you').

At the end of 2010, I should be able to see how often God interveens in my life when I ask Him (or don't ask Him). I will have the visual aid of the cue cards in my Casting Box under ANSWERED.

The best part - I'm excited about it - and even more excited now that I've typed it and shared it with you!!! As you sit on December 31 are you remembering 2009 or looking forward to 2010 and everything that God will bestow upon you?


Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Can't wait to Start

Well, the time has come for me to actually start blogging!

I love reading other's blogs, and hoping that my blog can be an insite for life to others.
